

The Clearinghouse works with state, local, and Tribal governments, and Federal agencies on legislative efforts and educates stakeholders about the process, relevant codes and legislation, and potential risks to national security. 

State and local governments can encourage coordination among all parties through:

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Communicating openly with developers and the Clearinghouse

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Authorizing renewable energy incentives in areas that are compatible with military airspace requirements

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Establishing working committees to share information on energy projects with the military to learn of any impacts to the DOD mission



Legislation that protects military operations may include provisions that:

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Requires consideration of military testing, training, and operations in the energy permitting and siting processes

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Requires energy project applications to include coordination with the DOD to learn of and minimize risks to national defense

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Encourages energy generation and transmission developers to obtain a Military Impact Statement from the installation and the Clearinghouse on proposed energy and/or transmission projects in the vicinity of military installations, military flight paths, or that may impact radar and low-level flights