The Clearinghouse Review Process
The Clearinghouse reviews proposed renewable energy developments such as wind turbines, solar installations, photovoltaic arrays, and electric power transmission infrastructure for potential impacts to the military mission. The Clearinghouse oversees both formal and informal project review processes.
The goal of voluntary, informal review is to identify areas of potential impact and refer proponents to the proper DOD stakeholder for further discussion before the project is submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis (OEAAA) process. Submitting a project to the FAA automatically triggers the formal review process. In the formal review process, the Clearinghouse will serve as a single point of entry for the military process and ensure all relevant DOD agencies review your project.

If the request for an informal review includes trade secrets or otherwise commercial information that is proprietary or competition-sensitive, we encourage that the documents be marked accordingly. Documents should be marked as "Proprietary" or "Business Sensitive" to help ensure they are appropriately safeguarded upon receipt. Do not mark documents as "Confidential," as that can be easily mistaken for a national security classification. Proprietary information customarily and treated as private will be protected under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the extent permitted by law. Requests are not otherwise shared outside of DOD and will only be used to assess potential impacts on military missions.
Please note: The Clearinghouse Mitigation Agreements Database is currently under development. For information regarding specific Mitigation Agreements, please contact Mitigation Agreements are typically the result of the Formal Review Process and can result in modification of DOD operations and/or energy development plans.