The Informal Review Process
The informal review process is a voluntary process that is initiated by the project developer at any point prior to filing with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Clearinghouse strongly encourages all energy developers to seek informal reviews as early as possible to identify potential incompatibility. The Clearinghouse can review a potential project at any stage of planning, using specific site or general area data depending on the level of planning detail available. Early engagement prevents costly future delays in the formal review process.
The informal review process provides a timely, transparent, and science-based analysis of potential project impacts, alerting project developers and federal agencies to concerns before entering the formal FAA review process. If concerns are identified, the Clearinghouse works with industry partners to mitigate the issues, if possible, overcoming risks to national security while promoting compatible domestic energy development.
Who can submit information for informal review?
- Developers of an energy project
- Landowners
- State, county, or local officials
- Tribal Nation or Native Community representatives
- Federal Agencies
The Clearinghouse strives to respond to initial requests within a week of submission. If you have not received a response, please email the Clearinghouse office at

If the request for an informal review includes trade secrets or otherwise commercial information that is proprietary or competition sensitive, we encourage that the documents be marked accordingly. Documents should be marked as "Proprietary" or "Business Sensitive" to help ensure they are properly safeguarded upon receipt. Do not mark documents as "Confidential," as that can be easily mistaken for a national security classification. Proprietary information which is customarily and actually treated as private will be protected under Exemption 4 to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the extent permitted by law. Requests are not otherwise shared outside of DOD and will only be used to assess potential impacts on military missions.